Todd Reed’s Boulder Showroom windows are a stunning entrance that lead ino the Todd Reed experience. With panes of glass that peer into our world—not just the showroom cases, but also into the studio where our talented jewelers craft Todd Reed jewelry—the seasonal sidewalk-facing displays are artfully assembled by our talented showroom salesperson, Miranda.
We here in Marketing think it’s time for Miranda (who is also an avid gardener and a talented potter) to get the credit not only for her skills as a salesperson, but for the wonderful displays she creates for the public.
Miranda, how long have you been at Todd Reed in Boulder?: Three years in September. I had always admired Todd’s designs, so I was thrilled to begin working here.
When did you begin working with Todd to design the windows?: Right from the start. That first Holiday season I worked with Todd and Jen to implement the design for the windows. After that, they asked me take on the project as part of my role here.
What’s the process?: Todd and I meet 2-3 months in advance of the new display to discuss possible themes. From there we decide on a theme, then the idea evolves. I spend a lot of time researching materials and testing them out.
So, what’s the best part for you creating the displays?: Actually making them! There is a period of discovery when I am trying to implement the idea, then it all comes together.
Tell us about the current window: I curated a selection of gems and minerals that tie into our new Raw Elegance ad campaign. Thanks to Laurens from Crystal Galleries, who loaned us all the wonderful samples that are in the windows.
What was your favorite window?: The Feathers!
Stop by to see the windows on Pearl Street in Boulder, and come into meet our talented salespeople!