It’s not every day that our jewelers have the opportunity to take a stab at making something they’ve never made before, and when the opportunity presents itself, our jewelers never fail in rising up to the occasion.
The story worth mentioning here is that Caitlin and Mathieu just made their first trdr660 rings!
This particular ring style has long been a favorite of Caitlin’s. She was more than happy to learn how to create these one-of-a-kind sculptural beauties. As she sat at the bench working on the ring, I asked her “What was it about this particular design that you haven’t done before here at Todd Reed?”
She responded by saying “Using the rough, organic center stone was new for me, although my training is actually in fabricating the ‘crazy stuff.’ I’m not really used to working with brilliants or getting very technical. I studied jewelry at an art school – so this was a really fun project for me… In a way, it’s the more complicated stuff that I’m better at.”
Mathieu was also very excited to make a trdr660. He began by saying, “Learning new things is fun. The more designs you learn, the better you are as a jeweler. It feels really good.”
“Since it was my first raw diamond that I had to set in a bezel, it was really fun. It was a cool relationship that I built with the stone. Instead of hammering down like you often do with other stones such as our rose cuts, this raw diamond required a more delicate process. I had to first anneal the metal so that I could bend it and carefully shape it to fit the stone. I’ve never made a bezel for a diamond as raw as this before, so it was a really enjoyable experience.“