While I was on the east coast visiting family I made a trip up to New York to see “Variations on a theme: 25 Years of Design from the AJDC” at the Forbes Gallery in person (we wrote about it on this blog a few months ago). Being somewhat new to the jewelry industry I’m always interested in learning more about the history. I’ve seen all of Todd’s contributions to the gallery up close before they were put on display and thought each was stunning but was looking forward to seeing what other designers had done for each theme.
Water, 2008
Cube, 1996
The Forbes Galleries are small, but the exhibit was impactful. Designs for each theme were grouped together and it was amazing to see how it was interpreted by each designer. It was also amazing to see how each designers work evolved over the 25 years.
Among my favorite themes was AJDC’s 2012 theme, Ice. The designs in this category were incredibly capturing and upheld a certain class that only ice can reveal.
Ice, 2012 By Jennifer Morin
Ice, 2012 By Schneider
If you are in the area, I suggest you stop in. The exhibit is up until February 22nd, and truly proves that jewelry is art.