Caudalie Spa

Caudalie Spa


Caudalie spa is one of our favorite spots on Abbot Kinney Blvd. They have amazing products and an incredible staff. The owner, Mathilde Thomas, answered a few questions for us.

Why did you choose to open your exclusive spa on Abbot Kinney?
Abbott Kinney is in the heart of LA’s hottest neighborhoods, our boutique is surrounded by hip stores, cool restaurants, and some of the most forward design stores in the region.
If you could only recommend one of your products what would it be?
Premier Cru Cream is my desert island product. It’s the best anti-aging moisturizer that’s a three in one that brightens, moisturizers and firms the skin leaving a radiant and even complexion.

And speaking of Abbot Kinney, this Saturday, get an exclusive tour of Todd Reed, Caudalie, Le Labo and enjoy lunch at Salt Air Bistro. More information here.



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